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The Lion with the Grey Beard


The Lion with the Grey Beard is a story of a circus lion who was praised for his physical skill during his youth and has to stop and reflect on his new circumstance as he gets older. When does the mind prevail over the corporal limitations, what difference is there between a youthful storminess and middle-age experience, between sentimentalism and a profound feel for the world, between knowledge and wisdom, between intuition and empiricism? The performance is based on the short story by the Italian writer Tonino Guerra.

DIRECTION. Ravil Sultanov

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. Hristina Vasić Tomše

SET & COSTUMES. Darka Erdelji

CAST. Andrej Tomše, Natalia Sultanova, Hristina Vasić Tomše, Ravil Sultanov

PHOTO. Jure Stušek

PRODUCTION. Zavod Bufeto & EX-teater

CO-PRODUCTION. Puppet Theatre Maribor

SUPPORTED by Municipality of Ljubljana.

PREMIERE in 2019 at Studio EX-teater, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

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